Board SMW

- Contact with D-MATL, Materials Alumni, other students associations
- Representation of interests of the students towards the departement and ETH
- DK
- FR
- UK
- Materials Alumni Board
- Planning & leading the board meetings
- Coordination of SMW projects

- Drawing up the budget of the SMW
- Monitoring and archiving of the income and expenses

- Contact to the VSETH and other student associations
- Representation of interests of the students towards the departement and ETH with the focus on “improvement of teaching”
- UK
- DK
- MR

- Organistion of various events, for example:
- monthly Stamm
- Exzess im Labor
- Bergfest
- Support of further events, that are co-organised or sponsored by the SMW

Josh Strätz
Kulti #2
See Kulti #1🍻
- see Kulti #1

Elias Hinder
Kulti #3
See Kulti #2🍺
- see Kulti #2

- Contact to ETH-external companies
- Representation of the SMW
- Sponsoring
- Company visits

Horacio Keller
Supplies the SMW with chocolate bunnies and christmas sweets🎁
- ETH-internal contact
- Exchange of information between the SMW and the students

Liv Häusler
Administers this website and the ominous document collection💻
- Administration of the SMW homepage
- Keeping the document collection, the newsletter service, picture gallery, company list and general information up-to-date
- Administration of email accounts
- Maintenance of the IT-infrastructure
- Contact to IT-responsibles at ETH

Alexandre Nozadze
Editor in Chief - the Materialist
Writes about the latest gossip in the departement and materials science📰
- Organisation of the editor team
- Writing for the materialist

Ylann Bayhan
First Semester Representative
Joins the boards dinner🍼
- Contact between the SMW and the freshmen
- Writing protocols during board meetings
Semester Speakers
Moritz Montenbruck | 1st year |
Ira Schweizer | 2nd year |
Leon Brunella | 3rd year |
Lukas Heer, |
Master |
Study Commission (
Oscar Kueng | 1st year |
Varsikan Kirupakaramoorthy | 2nd year |
Dominik Kasper | 3rd year |
Y Vi Thach,
Laura Windlin |
Master |
Council of Members (
Nicolas Zuberbühler | Representative |
Lukas Heer | Representative |
Phillip Zenger | Deputy |
Christian Mohr | Deputy |